Monday, 8 June 2015

Replacing your Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

Accordingly, more and more Ottawa dentists are seeing individuals wanting to enter into a dental implant treatment. The reason being is, they can get back their smile and improve the health of their gums in the process. The methods that make this type of oral surgery possible have transformed from a long drawn out process that used to take 18 to 24 months in a single visit to your dentist.

The process has a few different names depending on what country one resides in. Some call it ‘All on Four Dental Implants,’ ‘Teeth in a Day’, or ‘Smile in a Day.’ The process is the same regardless of the name. What it entails is, in cases where there are many missing teeth, inserting four implants made of ceramic with a stem made of titanium, (the metal is non-corrosive), into the jawbone.

The next step is using a set of crowns and bridges to fill the gaps between the implants. The result is a new set of teeth with the implants as anchors for the bridges. Here in Ottawa there has been an increase in the amount of the patient’s wanting to regain the smile they once had when their teeth were healthy. When someone was decaying teeth, they tend to smile less and begin to change on a psychological level, i.e. loss of confidence and a lower self-esteem. 

Consequently, what makes this procedure possible in today’s world of Ottawa Dentistry, or anywhere else for that matter, is the advanced technology that is available by way of 3D imaging, which allows for a clearer picture of a patient's teeth, coupled with the mechanisms that help create the implants in the dental office. People here in Ottawa who have experienced a dental implant procedure show an increase in their confidence in addition to a rise in their self-esteem. Moreover, dental implants work for replacing any number of missing or decaying teeth beyond any normal restorative methods.

Consult with All on 4 Ottawa or Ottawa Dentist to replace your missing teeth today.